About Us
The primary function of The CAA is to promote, monitor and maintain standards of cinema advertising. This includes pre-vetting all cinema commercials to ensure conformity with relevant advertising codes.
The CAA provides UK market information in terms of admissions and screen numbers – admissions are released monthly and screen information quarterly. In addition, an industry standard survey – FAME – is produced on an annual basis which provides insight into cinemagoing and film viewing within the UK, as well as consumption of cinema advertising.

Cinema Clearance
The CAA Copy Panel clears commercials for exhibition in cinemas in the UK and Republic of Ireland. No commercial may be exhibited in a cinema unless it has been cleared. For exhibition in the UK, cinema commercials must comply with the UK Code of Advertising, Sales Promotion and Direct Marketing (the CAP Code). This non-broadcast code can be downloaded from UK Code of Non-broadcast Advertising, Sales Promotion and Direct Marketing (CAP Code).
For exhibition in the Republic of Ireland, cinema commercials must comply with the Code of Standards for Advertising and Marketing Communications in Ireland. This code can be downloaded from ASAI Code. All scripts, films and any other information you submit, will be treated in the strictest confidence.

Turnaround times
The CAA aim to send out final approval on video submissions within 24 hours from receiving payment and video upload to the copy clearance site. 24-hour clearance may not always be possible for non-contentious copy. In those instances, 48-hour turnaround will be flagged at the earliest and guaranteed.
Copy with code breaches or compliancy issues may continue to require longer timeframes, particularly in those instances of required amends. This will be flagged at the earliest opportunity.
In the event of an advertisement being contentious amongst the Copy Panel it will be pushed to the weekly Thursday morning panel meeting. You will be informed if this occurs.
The Copy Panel use an intranet site in which the panellists can log on, view and vote on advertisements uploaded. It is a private board, and all advertisements are treated in the strictest confidence.
Scripts and rough cuts receive provisional approval only. Provisional approval does not guarantee final approval but will help ensure compliance with the relevant code.