New Republic of Ireland HFSS Advertising Rules

New Republic of Ireland HFSS Advertising Rules

1 year ago

ASAI introduce new HFSS (High Fat, Salt and Sugar) food and non-alcoholic Beverages rules In Republic of Ireland from December 1st 2021. This means that copy due for scheduling on 19th November 2021 must be ROI HFSS compliant. In order to meet this requirement, the CAA will begin clearing for ROI HFSS compliance on the 4th October 2021. If a planned food or non-alcoholic beverage campaign is scheduled to finish before December 1st 2021, please email [email protected] with details so it can be exempted from the new compliance.

The Advertising Standards Authority (ASAI) has published a newly amended Section 8 ‘Food and Non-Alcoholic Beverages’ of the ASAI Code. It incorporates new rules regarding the advertising of HFSS (High Fat, Salt and Sugar) food and drink products to children. ASAI Code Section 8, together with the guidance note, can be found here

New HFSS placement rules will restrict the marketing of HFSS food and drink products from being directed or targeted at children under 15 through the selection of media or context in which they appear. This will affect the placement of cinema advertisements within the advertising reel, as will what feature films are deemed of ‘youth appeal’ in the Republic of Ireland. HFSS advertising will no longer be permissible if more than 50% of a feature film audience is under 15 years of age.

To assess whether a food or drink product is deemed HFSS in the Republic of Ireland, the ASAI has employed the Nutrient Profiling Model, currently used for UK cinema exhibition. As the medium itself is responsible for ensuring compliance, it is important that from the 4th October 2021, all advertisements featuring food or drinks products submitted for Republic of Ireland clearance and declared non-HFSS are accompanied by the substantiating HFSS certification. For more information on the Nutrient profiling model, please visit:

A delay in providing this HFSS certification will cause a delay in issuing clearance, if not provided, food and drink advertisements for the Republic of Ireland will be considered an HFSS product and be restricted accordingly. We would request the HFSS certification is provided separately from the online submission, by email with details of the advertisement in the email subject line, to [email protected].

The HFSS rules are designed to protect children and reduce overall exposure to HFSS product marketing communications for the public. There are also new rules that indicate no promotion, offer or competition can be used for HFSS marketing communications targeted at children. The new HFSS product placement rules are in addition to existing rules in Section 8 of the ASAI Code, such as marketing communications not denigrating a healthy lifestyle.

If you have any questions, please contact us directly via email at [email protected] or alternatively, via our website contact form.

Cinema Advertising Association


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